Microprocessor Layout Method:Layout Problem Description
Layout Problem Description
The design flow of a microprocessor is shown in Figure 65.2. The architectural designers produce a high- level specification of the design, which is translated into a behavioral specification using function design, structural specification using logic design, and a netlist representation using circuit design. In this chapter, we discuss the microprocessor layout method called physical design. It converts a netlist into a mask layout
consisting of physical polygons, which is later fabricated on silicon. The boxes on the right side of Figure 65.2 depict the need for verification during all stages of the design. Due to high frequencies and shrinking die sizes, estimation of eventual physical data is required at all stages before physical design during the micro- processor design process. The estimation may not be absolutely necessary for other types of designs.
Let us consider the physical design process. Given a netlist specification of a circuit to be designed, a layout system generates the physical design either manually or automatically and verifies that the design conforms to the original specification. Figure 65.3 illustrates the microprocessor physical design flow.
Various specifications and constraints have to be handled during microprocessor layout. Global specs involve the target frequency, density, die size, power, etc. Process specs will be discussed in Section 65.3. The chip planner is the main component of this process. It partitions the chip into blocks, assigns blocks for either full custom (manual) layout or CAD (automatic) layout and assembles the chip after block- level layout is finished. It may also iterate this process for better results. Full custom and CAD layout differ in the approach to handle critical nets. In the custom layout, critical nets are routed as a first step of block layout. In the CAD approach, the critical net requirements are translated into a set of constraints to be satisfied by placement and routing tools. The placement and global routing have to work in an iterative fashion to produce a dense layout. The double-sided arrow in CAD box represents this iteration. In both layout styles, iterations are required for block layout to completely satisfy all the specs. Some microprocessor teams employ a semi-custom approach which takes advantage of careful hand-crafting and power savings on the full custom side, and the efficiency and scalability of the CAD side.
Global Issues
The problems specific to individual stages of physical design are discussed in the following sections. This section attempts to explain the problems that affect the whole design process. Some of them may be applicable to the pre-layout design stages and post-layout verification.
There has to be a global flow to the layout process. The flow requires consistency across all levels and support for incremental re-design. A decision at one level affects almost all the other levels. The chip planning and assembly are the most crucial tasks in the microprocessor layout process. The chip is partitioned into blocks. Each block is allotted some area for layout. The allotment is based on estimation based on past experience. When the blocks are actually laid out, they may not fit in the allotted area.
The full microprocessor layout process is long. One cannot wait until the last moment to assemble the blocks inside the chip. The planning and assembly team has to continuously update the flow, chip plans, and block interfaces to conform to the changing block data.
New product generations rely on technology advances and providing the designer with a means of evaluating technology choices early in the product design [16]. Today’s fine-line geometries jeopardize timing. Massive circuit density coupled with high clock rates, is making routed interconnects hardest to gauge early in the design process. A solid estimation tool or methodology is needed to handle today’s complex microprocessor designs. Due to the uncertain effects of interconnect routing, the wall between logical and physical design is beginning to fall [17]. In the past, many microprocessor layout teams resorted to post-layout updates to resolve interconnect problems. This may cause major re-design and another round of verification, and is therefore not acceptable. We cannot separate logical design and physical design engineers. Chip planners have to minimize the problems that interconnect effects may cause. Early estimation of placement, signal integrity, and power analysis information is required at the floorplanning stage even before the structural netlist is available.
Changing Specifications
Microprocessor design is a long process. It is driven by market conditions, which may change during the course of the design. So, architectural specs may be updated during the design. During physical design, the decisions taken during the early stages of the design may prove to be wrong. Some blocks may have added functionalities or new circuit families, which may need more area. The global abstract available to block-level designers may continuously change, depending on sibling blocks and global specs. Hence, the layout process has to be very flexible. Flexibility may be realized at the expense of performance, density, or area—but it is well worth it.
Die Shrinks and Compactions
The easiest way to achieve better performance is process shrinks. Optical shrinks are used to convert a die from one process to a finer process. Some more engineering is required to make the microprocessor work for the new process. A reduction in feature size from 0.50 µm to 0.35 µm results in an increase of approximately 60% more devices on a similarly sized die [3]. Layouts designed for a manufacturing process should be scalable to finer geometries. The decisions taken during layout should not prohibit further feature shrinks.
CAD algorithms implemented in automatic layout tools must be applicable to large sizes. The same tools must be useful across generations of microprocessor. Training the designers on an entirely new set of CAD tools for every generation is impractical. The data representation inside the tools should be symbolic so that the process numbers can be updated without a major change in tools.
Explanation of Terms
There are many terms related to microprocessor layout used in the following sections. The definitions and explanation of those terms is provided in this section.
Capacitance: A time-varying voltage across two parallel metal segments exhibits capacitance. The voltage (v) and current (i) relation across a capacitor (C) is
Closely spaced unconnected metal wires in layout can have significant cross-capacitance. Capacitance is very significant at 0.5-µm process and beyond [18].
Inductance: A time-varying current in a wire loop exhibits inductance. If the current through a power grid or large signal buses changes rapidly, this can have inductive effects on adjacent metal wires. The voltage (v) and current (i) relation across an inductor (L) is
Inductance is not a local phenomenon like capacitance.Parasitics: The shrinking technology and increasing frequencies are causing analog physical behavior in digital microprocessors [19]. The electrical parameters associated with final physical routes are called interconnect parasitics. The parasitic effects in the metal routes on the final silicon need to be estimated in the early phases of the design.
Design rules: The process specification is captured in an easy-to-use set of rules called design rules.
Spacing: If there is enough spacing between metal wires, they do not exhibit cross-capacitance.
Minimum metal spacing is a part of the design rules.
Shielding: The power signal is routed on a wide metal line and does not have time-varying properties.
In order to reduce external effects like cross-capacitance, on a critical metal wire, it is routed between or next to a power wire. This technique is called shielding.
Electromigration: Also known as metal migration, it results from a conductor carrying too much current. The result is a change in conductor dimensions, causing high resistive spots and eventual failure. Aluminum is the most commonly used metal in microprocessors. Its current density (current per width) threshold for electromigration is
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