System Level Design Languages:TLM Design Process and TLM Implemented in SystemC

TLM Design Process

A design process begins with a high-level specification of the system being designed. The design step, which must be taken after this description becomes available, is to generate a transaction level model. For this purpose, we have to define our top-level modules and their means of communication. Module granularity and specification may be refined in the next stages of the design process. Accordingly, the functionality of communication channels and their interfaces will also be refined. Defining these interfaces and channels can take advantage of a standard TLM library. If any of the communication processes have complex functionalities, application-specific channels and interfaces must be implemented based on the TLM library primitive channels and interfaces. Figure 86.76 shows the process of developing a transaction level model. The next section describes the structure of TLM library developed in SystemC by OSCI (TLM 1.0).

A simple example in SystemC follows this discussion.

TLM Implemented in SystemC

As stated in the previous section, TLM is a modeling concept that can be implemented in any system level language (e.g., C++, System Verilog, and Java). The first implemented version of a TLM library for system level design was in SystemC.

At the present time, most universities and companies that work on TLM and system level design use this language. One reason for choosing SystemC is the wide use of C++ language by software developers. C++ is a powerful programming language with several constructs for both a system and a software design. For example, C++ class definition and inheritance capabilities make it useful for defining interfaces and channels. To make SystemC more useful for hardware description, basic channels and interfaces are described in this language. Other useful interfaces and channels can be built on these predefined interfaces and channels in SystemC.

The TLM library, discussed in this section, has been implemented in SystemC 2.1 by the OSCI organization.

In this version, the main focus is on implementing a generic set of TLM interfaces and channels. The object passing semantic is based on the sc_fifo message passing of SystemC. In this library raw C/C++ pointers are discouraged to avoid memory problems caused by pointers. In this library, most of the implemented classes are template classes. This feature provides generality for the classes.

Communication APIs in this library can be unidirectional or bidirectional. They can also be in blocking or nonblocking modes. When performing a blocking data transfer, the caller must wait until the data transfer is completed. In the nonblocking mode, the transfer function will return the status of the data transfer immediately (whether it is done or not). In SystemC, the blocking mode data transfer can only be done in SC_THREAD and SC_CTHREAD processes. Nonblocking data transfers can also be done in SC_METHOD processes (see Section 86.3).

The implementation of this library includes several subdirectories. Each directory contains one or more C++ header files for TLM functions and their necessary implementations. These directories are discussed below.

System Level Design Languages-0253

tlm_adapters: In this part, two classes named tlm_transport_to_master and tlm_slave_to_transport

are defined. These classes are useful for transporting data to/from a master or a slave.

tlm_event_finder: Classes implemented in this part are used in blocking and nonblocking ports. These classes provide static sensitivity for these ports. The defined classes in this part include tlm_blocking_get_port, tlm_nonblokcing_peek_port, tlm_nonblocking_put_port, and tlm_event_finder_t class for handling events.

tlm_fifo: Operations and necessary classes for a FIFO channel in TLM are implemented in this part. One of the main classes defined in this part is tlm_fifo. This class, a part of which is shown in Figure 86.77, includes basic operations of a FIFO such as get, put, peek, size, and kind. These operations are implemented in both blocking and nonblocking modes.

tlm_interfaces: Basic interfaces are implemented in this part. There are two main classes named tlm_master_if and tlm_slave_if for sending and receiving data. These classes are shown in Figure 86.78. Also there are these classes for FIFO interfaces: tlm_fifo_debug_if, tlm_fifo_put_if, tlm_fifo_if, and tlm_fifo_config_size_if.

System Level Design Languages-0254


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