Microprocessor Layout Method:Block-Level Layout

Block-Level Layout

A block is a physically and logically separated circuit inside a microprocessor that performs a specific arithmetic, logic, storage, or control function. Roughly speaking, a full-custom technique is used for layout of regular structures, like arrays and datapath; whereas, automatic tools are used for random control logic consisting of finite state machines. Block-level layout is a very thoroughly researched and mature area. The author has biased the presentation in this section toward automation and CAD tools. Full-custom techniques accept more constraints, but approximately follow the same methodology.

Block-level layout needs careful tracking of all pieces [29]. Due to its hierarchical nature, strict signal and net naming conventions must be followed. The blocks’ interface view may be a little fuzzy. Where does a block design end? At the output pin of the current block or at the input pin of the block it is feeding to? There may be some logic that cannot be classified into any of the types and it is not large enough to be considered a separate block of its own. Such logic is called glue logic. Glue logic at the chip level may actually be tightly coupled to lower-level gates. It needs physical proximity to the lower level. Every block may be required to include some part of such glue logic during layout.

In IBM’s G4 microprocessor, custom layout was used for dataflow stacks and arrays. A semi-custom cell-based technique was used for control logic [24]. Capacitive loading at the block outputs was based on preliminary floorplan analysis. During the early phase of the design, layout-dependent device models were used for block-level optimization. For UltraSparc™, layout of mega-cells and memory cells was done in parallel with RTL design [30]. Initial layout iterations were performed with estimated area and boundaries. There were concurrent chip and block-level designs as well as concurrent datapath and standard cell designs. The concurrency yielded faster turn-around time for logical-physical design iterations. Critical net routing and detailed routing was done after the block-level layout iterations converged.

A survey of CAD tools available on the market for block-level layout is included in Table 65.3. The author presents various steps in the block-level layout process in the following sections. Constraints associated with different block types are also included in the individual sections, wherever applicable.


The chip planner partitions the circuit into different blocks. Each block consists of a netlist of standard cells or subblocks, whose physical and electrical characteristics are known. For the sake of simplicity, let us only consider a netlist of cells inside the block. The area occupied by each block can be estimated and the number of block-level I/Os (pins) required by each block is known. During the placement step, all of the movable pins of the block and internal cells are positioned on the layout surface, in such fashion that no two cells are overlapping and enough space is left for interconnection among the cells.

Figure 65.12 illustrates an example placement of a netlist. The numbers next to the pins of the cells on the left side specify the nets they are connected to. The placement problem is stated as follows: given an electrical circuit consisting of cells, and a netlist interconnecting terminals on these cells and on the periphery of the block itself, construct a layout indicating positions of these blocks such that all the nets can be routed and the total layout area of the block is minimized. For high-performance microprocessors, an alternative objective is chosen where the placement is optimized to minimize the total delay of the circuit by minimizing lengths of all critical paths subject to a fixed block area constraint. In full-custom style, the placement problem is a packing problem where cells of different sizes and shapes are packed inside the block area.

Microprocessor Layout Method-0270

Various factors affect the decisions taken during placement. We discuss some of the factors. All microprocessor designers may face many additional constraints due to the circuit families, types of libraries, layout methodology, and schedule.

Shape of the cells: In automatic placement tools, the cell are assumed to be rectangular. If the real cell is not rectangular, it may be snapped to an overlapping rectangle. The snapping tends to increase block area. Cells may be flexible and different aspect ratios may be available for each cell. Row- based placement approaches also need standardized height for all the cells.

Routing considerations: All of the tools and algorithms for placement are routing driven. Their objective is to estimate routing lengths and congestions at the placement stage and avoid unroutability. The cells have to be spaced to allow routing completion. If over-the-cell (OTC) routes are used, then the spacing may be avoided.

Performance: For high-performance circuits, critical nets must be routed within their timing budgets.

The placement tool has to operate with a fast and accurate timing analyzer to evaluate various decisions taken during placement. This approach is called performance-driven placement. It forces cells connected to critical nets to be placed very close to each other, which may leave less space for routing that critical net.

Packaging: When the circuit is operational, all cells generate heat. The heat dissipated should be uniform over the entire layout surface of the block. The high power-consuming cells will have to be spaced apart. This approach may directly conflict with performance-driven placement. C4 bumps and power grids may cause some restrictions on allowable locations for some of the cells.

Pre-placed cells: In some cases, the locations of some cells may be fixed or a region may be specified for their placement. For instance, a block-level clock buffer must be at the exact location specified by the clock planner to achieve minimum skew. The placement approach must follow these restrictions.

Special considerations: In microprocessor designs, the placement methodology may be expected to place and sometimes reorder the scan chain. Parts of blocks may be allowed to overlap. Block- level pins may be ordered but not fixed. If the routing plan separates chip and block-level routing layers, there may be areal block-level I/Os in the middle of the layout area.

The CAD algorithms for placement have been thoroughly studied over many decades. The algorithms are classified into simulated annealing-based, partitioning-based, genetic algorithm-based, and mathematical programming-based approaches. All of these algorithms have been extended to performance-driven techniques for microprocessor layouts. For an in-depth analysis of these algorithms, please refer to Refs. 11 and 12.

Global Routing

The placement step determines the exact locations of cells and pins. The nets connecting to those pins have to be routed. The input at a general routing stage consists of a netlist, timing budgets for critical nets, full placement information, and the routing resource specs. Routing resources include available metal layers with obstructions/porosity and their specs include RC delay per unit length on each metal layer and RC delay for each type of via. The objective of routing a block in a microprocessor is to achieve routing completion and timing convergence. In other words, the net loads presented by the final routes must be within the timing budgets. In microprocessor layout, routing also involves special treatment for clock nets, power, and ground lines.

The layout area of the block can be divided into smaller regions. They may be the open spaces not occupied by the cells. These open spaces are called channels. If the routing is only allowed in the open spaces, it is called a channel routing problem. Due to multiple layers available for routing and areal I/Os, over-the-cell routing has become popular. The approach where the whole region is considered for routing with pins lying anywhere in the layout area is called area routing.

Traditionally, the routing problem is divided into two phases. The first phase is called global routing and generates an approximate route for each net. It assigns a list of routing regions to each net without specifying the actual geometric layout of wires. The second phase, called detailed routing, will be discussed in the next subsection.

Global routing consists of three phases: region definition, region assignment, and pin assignment. During definition, the regions are decided by partitioning the routing space into different regions. Each region has a capacity, which means the maximum number of nets that can pass through that region on a layer in a direction. The routing capacity of a region is a function of design rules and wire geometries. During the second phase, nets or parts if the nets, are assigned to various regions, depending on the current occupancy and the net criticality. This phase identifies a sequence of regions through which a net will be routed. Once the region assignment is done, pins are assigned at the boundary of the regions so that the detailed routing can proceed on each region independently. As long as the pins are fixed at the region boundaries, the whole layout area will be fully connected by abutment.

There is a slight difference between full-custom and automatic layout styles for global routing. In full custom, since regions can be expanded, some violations of region capacities is allowed. However, too many violations may enforce a re-placement.

Some of the factors affecting the decisions taken at global routing are:

Block I/O: Location of block I/Os and their distribution along the periphery may affect region definitions. Areal I/Os need special considerations because they may not lie at a region boundary.

Nets: Multi-terminal nets need special consideration during global routing. There is a different class of algorithms to handle such nets.

Pre-routes: There may be pre-routed nets, like clock, already occupying region capacities. A completely unconnected bus may be passing through the block. Such pre-routes have to be correctly modeled in the region definition.

Performance: Critical nets may have a length and via bound. The number of vias must be minimized for such nets. Critical nets may also need shielding, so they have to be routed next to a power route. Some nets may have spacing requirements with respect to other nets. Some nets may be wider than others, and the region occupancy must include the extra resources required for wide routes.

Detailed router: The type and style of detailed routing affects the decisions taken during the global routing. The detailed router may be a channel router, for which pins must be placed on the opposite sides of the region. In some cases, the detailed router may need information about via bounds from the global router.

Global routing is typically studied as a graph problem. There are three types of graph models to represent regions and their capacities, namely, the grid graph model, the checker board model, and the channel intersection graph model. For two terminal nets, there are three types of global routing algorithms: maze routing, line-probe, and shortest path based. For multi-terminal routing, Steiner tree-based approaches are very popular. There are some mathematical formulations for global routing; however, they provide solutions on small blocks only.


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