Microprocessor Layout Method


This chapter presents various concepts and strategies employed to generate a layout of a high-performance, general-purpose microprocessor. The layout process involves generating a physical view of the microprocessor that is ready for manufacturing in a fabrication facility (fab) subject to a given target frequency. The layout of a microprocessor differs from ASIC layout because of the size of the problem, complexity of today’s superscalar architectures, convergence of various design styles, the planning of large team activities, and the complex nature of various, sometimes conflicting, constraints.

In June 1979, Intel introduced the first 8-bit microprocessor with 29,000 transistors on the chip with 8-MHz operating frequency [1]. Since then, the complexity of microprocessors has been closely following Moore’s law, which states that the number of transistors in a microprocessor will double every 18 months [2]. The number of execution units in the microprocessor is also increasing with generations. The increasing die size poses a layout challenge with every generation. The challenge is further augmented by the ever- increasing frequency targets for microprocessors. Today’s microprocessors are marching toward the GHz frequency regime with more than 10 million transistors on a die. Table 65.1 includes some statistics of today’s leading microprocessors1:

Microprocessor Layout Method-0255

In order to understand the magnitude of the problem of laying out a high-performance microprocessor, refer to the sample chip micrographs in Figure 65.1. Various architectural modules, such as functional blocks, datapath blocks, memories, memory management units, etc. are physically separated on the die. There are many layout challenges apparent in this figure. The floorplanning of various blocks on the chip to minimize chip-level global routing is done before the layout of the individual blocks is available. The floorplanning has to fit the blocks together to minimize chip area and satisfy the global timing constraints. The floorplanning problem is explained in Section 65.4.1 (Floorplan- ning). As there are millions of devices on the die, routing power and ground signals to each gate involves careful planning. The power routing problem is described in Section 65.4.2 (Clock Planning). The microprocessor is designed for a particular frequency target. There are three key steps to high performance. The first step involves designing a high-performance circuit family, the second one involves design of fast storage elements, and the third is to construct a clock distribution scheme with minimum skew. Many elements need to be clocked to achieve synchronization at the target frequency. Routing the global clock signal exactly from an initial generator point to all of these elements within the given delay and skew budgets is a hard task. Section 65.4.3 (Power Planning) includes the descrip- tion of clock planning and routing problems. There are various signal buses routed inside the chip running among chip I/Os and blocks. A 64-bit datapath bus is a common need in today’s high- performance architectures, but routing that wide a bus in the presence of various other critical signals is very demanding, as explained in Section 65.4.4 (Bus Routing).

The problems identified by looking at the chip micrographs are just a glimpse of a laborious layout process. Before any task related to layout begins, the manufacturing techniques need to be stabilized and the requirements have to be modeled as simple design rules to be strictly obeyed during the entire design process. The manufacturing constraints are caused by the underlying process technology (Section 65.3.2, Technology Process) or packaging (Section 65.3.1, Packaging).

Another set of decisions to be taken before the layout process involve the circuit style(s) to be used during the microprocessor design. Examples of such styles include full custom, semi-custom, and automatic layout. They are described in Section 65.2. The circuit styles represent circuit layout styles, but there is an orthogonal issue to them, namely, circuit family style. The examples of circuit families include static CMOS, domino, differential, cascode, etc. The circuit family styles are carefully studied for the underlying manufacturing process technology and ready-to-use cell libraries are developed to be used during the block layout. The library generation is illustrated in Section 65.5.

Major layout effort is required for the layout of functional blocks. The layout of individual blocks is usually done by parallel teams. The complex problem size prompts partitioning inside the block and reusability across blocks. Cell libraries as well as shared mega-cells help expedite the process. Well- established methodologies exist in various microprocessor design companies. Block-level layout is usually done hierarchically. The steps for block-level layout involve partitioning, placement, routing, and compaction. They are detailed in Section 65.6.

CAD Perspective

The complexity of microprocessor design is growing, but there is no proportional growth in design team sizes. Historically, many tasks during the microprocessor layout were carefully hand-crafted. The reasons were twofold. The size of the problem was much smaller than what we face today. The second reason was that computer-aided design (CAD) was not mature. Many CAD vendors today are offering fast and accurate tools to automatically perform various tasks such as floorplanning, noise analysis, timing analysis, placement, and routing. This computerization has enabled large circuit design and fast turn-around times. References to various CAD tools with their capabilities have been added throughout this chapter.

CAD tools do not solve all of the problems during the microprocessor layout process. The regular blocks, like datapath, still need to be laid out manually with careful management of timing budgets. Designers cannot just throw the netlist over the wall to CAD to somehow generate a physical design. Manual effort and tools have to work interactively. Budgeting, constraints, connectivity, and interconnect parasitics should be shared across all levels and styles. Tools from different vendors are not easily interoperable due to a lack of standardization. The layout process may have proprietary methodology or technology parameters that are not available to the vendors. Many microprocessor manufacturers have their own internal CAD teams to integrate the outside tools into the flow or develop specific point tools internally. This chapter attempts to explain the advantages as well as shortcomings of CAD for physical layout.

Invaluable information about Physical Design Automation and related algorithms is provided in Refs. 11 and 12. These two textbooks cover a wide range of problems and solutions from the CAD perspective. They also include detailed analyses of various CAD algorithms. The reader is encouraged to refer to Refs. 13 to 15 for a deep understanding of digital design and layout.

Internet Resources

The Internet is bringing the world together with information exchange. Physical design of microprocessors is a widely discussed topic on the internet. The following web sites are a good resource for advanced learning of this field.

The key conference for physical design is the International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), held annually in April. The most prominent conference in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) com- munity is the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), (www.dac.com). The conference fea- tures an exhibit program consisting of the latest design tools from leading companies in design automation. Other related conferences are International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD) (www.iccad.com), IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (www.iscas.nps.navy.mil), International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MSCAS), IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLS) (www.eecs.umich.edu/glsvlsi), European Design Automation Conference (EDAC), International Confer- ence on VLSI Design (vcapp.csee.usf.edu/vlsi99/), and Microprocessor Forum. There are several journals which are dedicated to the field of VLSI Design Automation and include broad coverage of all topics in physical design. They are IEEE Transactions on CAD of Circuits and Systems (akebono.stanford.edu/users/ nanni/tcad), Integration, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, and the Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers. Many other journals occasionally publish articles of interest to physical design. These journals include Algorithmica, Networks, SIAM Journal of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, and IEEE Transactions on Computers.

An important role of the Internet is through the forum of newsgroups. comp.lsi.cad is a newsgroup dedicated to CAD issues, while specialized groups such as comp.lsi.testing and comp.cad.synthesis discuss testing and synthesis topics. The reader is encouraged to search the Internet for the latest topics. EE Times (www.eet.com) and Integrated System Design (www.isdmag.com) magazines provide latest information about physical design and they are both online publications. Finally, the latest challenges in physical design are maintained at (www.cs.virginia.edu/pd_top10/). The current benchmark problems for comparison of PD algorithms are available at www.cbl.ncsu.edu/www/.

We describe various problems involved throughout the microprocessor layout process in the Section 65.2.


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