Pass Transistors:Top-Down Design of Logic Functions with Pass-Transistor Logic.

Top-Down Design of Logic Functions with Pass-Transistor Logic

After designing logic networks manually or by CAD programs, computer systems have been designed. This is called a bottom-up design approach. In the 1990s, so-called top-down design has been accepted as the mainstream design approach. In the top-down logic design, register-transfer-level functionality is described with a hardware-description language, such as Verilog-HDL and VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language) rather than directly designing gate-level structure of logic networks, or “netlist.” And then, this is converted to logic networks of logic gates using a logic synthesizer (i.e., CAD programs for automated design of logic networks). This process resembles the compilation process of the software construction and it is sometimes referred to as “compile.” Based on this netlist, placement and routing of transistors are done automatically on an IC chip. By using this top-down approach, a logic designer can focus on the functional aspect of the logic rather than the in-depth structural aspect. This enhances the productivity. Also, this enables one to easily port one design in one technology to another.

Automated design of logic networks with pass transistors has been difficult to realize because of complex electronic behavior. So, conventionally, pass-transistor logic has been manually designed, par- ticularly in arithmetic modules as shown in this section. But as reduction of power consumption, speedup or area reduction is strongly desired, this is changing. Logic design based on selectors with pass-transistors can be done in this top-down manner [10]. Pass transistors have been used often as a selector by combing two pass transistors, as shown in Figure 40.11(a). A selector is also called a multiplexer. The output f of the selector becomes input x when c = 1 and input y when c = 0. Figure 40.11(b) shows a selector realized in a logic gate and also in pass transistors. Compared with the selector in a CMOS logic gate shown on the left side of Figure 40.11(b) which consists of ten MOSFETs, the selector in pass transistors shown on the right side of Figure 40.11(b) consists of only four MOSFETs, reducing the number of MOSFETs to less than half, and consequently the area. A selector is known to be a universal logic element because it can be used as an AND, an OR, and an XOR (i.e., Exclusive-OR) by changing its inputs, as shown in Figure 40.11(c). This property is also useful in the top-down design approach discussed in the following. The speed of a logic network with pass transistors is sometimes improved up to 2 times better than a conventional CMOS logic network, depending on logic functions.

One limitation of this pass-transistor selector is that it suffers a relatively slow switching speed when the control signal arrives later than selected input signals. This is because an inverter is needed for the selector to have a complementary signal applied to the gate of a pass transistor.

To circumvent this limitation, CPL (which stands for the complementary pass-transistor logic) has been conceived [11,12]. In CPL, complementary signals are used for both inputs and outputs, eliminating the need for the inverter. The circuits that require complementary signals like CPL are sometimes categorized as dual-rail logics. Because of the need for complementary signal, CPL is sometimes twice as large as CMOS, but is sometimes surprisingly small if a designer succeeds in fully utilizing the functionality of a pass-transistor circuit. A very fast and compact CPL full adder, a multiplier, and a

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carry-propagate-chain circuit have been reported. A full adder realized with CMOS logic gates is com- pared with a full adder realized with selectors in pass transistors in Figure 40.12. Speed and power consumption are significantly improved.

Variants of CPL have been also reported, including DPL [8], SRPL [5], and SAPL [4].

However, conventional switching theory, on which widely used logic synthesizers are based, cannot be conveniently used for this purpose because it is very difficult to derive convenient logic expressions based on the output function xc yc of the selector. Instead, BDD (i.e., binary decision diagrams) are used, as follows.

A simple approach to use a selector as the basic logic element is to build a binary tree of pass-transistor selectors, as shown in Figure 40.13. The truth table shown in Figure 40.13(a) is directly mapped into the tree structure shown in Figure 40.13(b). When x = 1, y = 0, and z = 1, for example, the third 1 from the left in the top of Figure 40.13(b) is connected to the output as f = 1. This original tree generally has redundancy, so it should be reduced to an irredundant form as shown in Figure 40.13(c). This approach is simple and effective when the number of input variables is less than 5 or so. However, this does not work for functions with more input variables, because of the explosive increase of the tree size.

To solve this, a binary decision diagram (i.e., BDD), has been utilized [10]. Basic design flow of BDD-based pass-transistor circuit synthesis is shown in Figure 40.14. The logic expressions for functions f1 and f2 shown in Figure 40.14(a) are converted to the BDD in (b). Then, buffers (shown as triangles) are inserted in Figure 40.14(c). In this case, only locations where the buffers should be inserted in Figure 40.14(d) are specified and the nature of the BDD in Figure 40.14(c) is not changed. In both Figures 40.14(b) and (c), each solid line denotes the value 1 of a variable and each dotted line the value 0. For example, the downward solid line from the right-hand circle with w inside denotes w = 1. From f1, if we follow dotted lines three times and then the solid line once in each of (b) and (c), we reach the 0 inside the rectangle in the bottom. This means that f1 = 0 for w = x = y = 0 and z = 1.

Preparation of an appropriate cell library based on selectors is required, as shown in Figure 40.15, which consists of a simple two-input selector (Cell 1) and its variants (Cells 2 and 3). The inverters shown with a dot inside the triangle in Figure 40.15, which is different from the simple inverter shown in Figure 40.6(b), is to keep the electric charge on the parasitic capacitance at its input. In Figure 40.14(d), the inverters of this kind have to be inserted corresponding to the buffers shown in (c). But in this case, the insertion has to be done such that the outputs f1 and f2 have the same polarity in both (c) and (d) because the inverters change signal values from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.

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In the design flow in Figure 40.14, starting from the logic functions which are represented with logic equations or a truth table, the logic functions are then converted to a BDD. Each node of the BDD represents two-input selector logic, and, in this way, mapping to the above selector-based cells is straight- forward, requiring only consideration of the fan-out and signal polarity.

One difficulty of this approach with BDD is optimization of the logic depth, that is, the number of pass transistors from an input to an output. One important desired capability of a logic synthesizer for this approach is the control of the logic depth, for example, so that a designer can limit the delay time from an input to an output. It is difficult to incorporate this requirement in the framework of a BDD. Another difficulty of the BDD-based synthesis is that the number of pass transistors connected in series increases linearly as the number of inputs increases and this number may become excessive.

To solve these difficulties, MPL (which stands for multi-level pass-transistor logic) and its representation, multi-level BDD, have been proposed [6]. In the above simple BDD-based approach, the output of a pass- transistor selector is connected only to the source-drain path of another pass-transistor selector. This causes the above difficulty. In MPL, the output of a pass-transistor selector is flexibly connected to either a source-drain path or the gate of another MOSFET. Because of this freedom, the delay of the circuit can be flexibly controlled. It is known empirically that the delay, especially of a logic network having a large number of input variables, is reduced by a factor of 2, compared to the simple BDD approach.

Another important extension of pass-transistor logic is to incorporate CMOS circuits in a logic network [9]. Logic networks based on pass transistors are not always smaller than CMOS logic networks in area, delay, and power consumption. They are effective when selectors fit well to the target logic functions. Otherwise, conventional CMOS logic networks are a better choice. For example, a simple NAND function implemented in CMOS logic network has better delay, area, and power consumption than its pass-transistor-based counterpart. Combining pass-transistor logic and CMOS logic gives the best solution.

Pass-transistor logic synthesis is still not as well developed as CMOS-based logic synthesis. However, even at its current level of development, it has shown generally positive results. In other words, 10 to 30% power reduction is possible, as compared with pure CMOS [9], showing enough potential [1] to be further exploited in future research.


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