Embedded Memory:Design Methodology and Design Space [3,5].

Design Methodology and Design Space [3,5]
Design Methodology

The design style of embedded memory should be selected according to applications. This choice is critically important for the best performance and cost balancing. Figure 53.2 shows the various design styles to implement embedded memories.

The most primitive semi-custom design style is based on unit the memory cell. It provides high flexibility in memory architecture and short design TAT (turn around time). However, the memory density is the lowest among various approaches.

The structured array is a kind of gate array that has a dedicated memory array region in the master chip that is configurable to several variations of memory organizations by metal layer customization. Therefore, it provides relatively high density and short TAT. Configurability and fixed maximum memory area are the limitations to this approach.

The standard cell design has high flexibility to the extent that the cell library has a variety of embedded memory designs. But in many cases, new system design requires new memory architectures. The memory performance and density is high, but the mask-to-chip TAT tends to be long.

Super integration is an approach that integrates existing chip design, including I/O pads, so the design TAT is short and proven designs can be used. However, availability of memory architecture is limited and the mask-to-chip TAT is long.

Hand-craft design (does not necessarily mean the literal use of human hands, but heavy interactive design) provides the most flexibility, high performance, and high density; but design TAT is the longest. Thus, design cost is the highest so that the applications are limited to high-volume and/or high-end systems. Standard memories, well-defined ASMs, such as video memories [12], integrated cache memories [13], and high-performance MPU-embedded memories, are good examples.

An eDRAM (embedded DRAM) designer faces a design space that contains a number of dimensions not found in standard ASICs, some of which we will subsequently review. The designer has to choose from a wide variety of memory cell technologies which differ in the number of transistors and in performance.

Also, both DRAM technology and logic technology can serve as a starting point for embedding DRAM. Choosing a DRAM technology as the base technology will result in high memory densities but suboptimal logic performance. On the other hand, starting with logic technology will result in poor memory densities, but fast logic circuits. To some extent, one can therefore trade logic speed against logic area. Finally, it is also possible to develop a process that gives the best of both worlds—most likely at higher expense. Furthermore, the designer can trade logic area for memory area in a way heretofore impossible.

Large memories can be organized in very different ways. Free parameters include the number of memory banks, which allow the opening of different pages at the same time, the length of a single page, the word width, and the interface organization. Since eDRAM allows one to integrate SRAMs and DRAMs, the decision between on/off-chip DRAM-and SRAM/DRAM-partitioning must be made.

In particular, the following problems must be solved at the system level:

Optimizing the memory allocation

Optimizing the mapping of the data into memory such that the sustainable memory bandwidth approaches the peak bandwidth Optimizing the access scheme to minimize the latency for the memory clients and thus minimize the necessary FIFO depth The goals are to some extent independent of whether or not the memory is embedded. However, the number of free parameters available to the system designer is much larger in an embedded solution, and the possibility of approaching the optimal solution is thus correspondingly greater. On the other hand, the complexity is also increased. It is therefore incumbent upon eDRAM suppliers to make the tradeoffs transparent and to quantize the design space into a set of understandable if slightly suboptimal solutions.


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