Embedded Memory:Merits and Challenges.


As CMOS technology progresses rapidly toward the deep submicron regime, the integration level, performance, and fabrication cost increase tremendously. Thus, low-integration low-performance small circuits or systems chips designed using deep submicron CMOS technology are not cost-effective. Only high-performance system chips that integrate CPU (central processing unit), DSP (digital signal processing) processors or multimedia processors, memories, logic circuits, analog circuits, etc. can afford the deep submicron technology. Such system chips are called system-on-a-chip (SOC) or system-on-silicon (SOS) [1,2]. A typical example of SOC chips is shown in Figure 53.1.

Embedded memory has become a key component of SOC and more practical than ever for at least two reasons [3]:

1. Deep submicron CMOS technology affords a reasonable tradeoff for large memory integration in other circuits. It can afford ULSI (ultra large-scale integration) chips with over 109 elements on a single chip. This scale of integration is large enough to build an SOC system. This size of circuitry inevitably contains different kinds of circuits and technologies. Data processing and storage are the most primitive and basic components of digital circuits, so that the memory implementation on logic chip has the highest priority. Currently in quarter-micron CMOS technology, chips with up to 128 Mbits of DRAM and 500 Kgates of logic circuit, or 64 Mbits of DRAM and 1 Mgates of logic circuit, are feasible.

2. Memory bandwidth is now one of the most serious bottlenecks to system performance. The memory bandwidth is one of the performance determinants of current von Neuman-type MPU

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(microprocessing unit) systems. The speed gap between MPUs and memory devices has been increased in the past decade. As shown in Figure 53.1, the MPU speed has improved by a factor of 4 to 20 in the past decade. On the other hand, in spite of exponential progress in storage capacity, minimum access times for each quadrupled storage capacity have improved only by a factor of two, as shown in Figure 53.2. This is partly due to the I/O speed limitation and to the fact that major efforts in semiconductor memory development have focused on density and bit cost improvements. This speed gap creates a strong demand for memory integration with MPU on the same chip. In fact, many MPUs with cycle times better than 60 ns have on-chip memories.

The new trend in MPUs, (i.e., RISC architecture) is another driving force for embedded memory, especially for cache applications [4]. RISC architecture is strongly dependent on memory band- width, so that high-performance, non-ECL-based RISC MPUs with more than 25 to 50 MHz operation must be equipped with embedded cache on the chip.

Merits and Challenges

The main characteristics of embedded memories can be summarized as follows [5].

On-Chip Memory Interface

Advantages include:

1. Replacing off-chip drivers with smaller on-chip drivers can reduce power consumption significantly, as large board wire capacitive loads are avoided. For instance, consider a system which needs a 4-Gbyte/s bandwidth and a bus width of 256 bits. A memory system built with discrete SDRAMs (16-bit interface at 100 MHz) would require about 10 times the power of an embedded DRAM with an internal 256-bit interface.

2. Embedded memories can achieve much higher fill frequencies [6], which is defined as the band- width (in Mbit/s) divided by the memory size in Mbit (i.e., the fill frequency is the number of times per second a given memory can be completely filled with new data), than discrete memories. This is because the on-chip interface can be up to 512 bits wide, whereas discrete memories are limited to 16 to 64 bits. Continuing the above example, it is possible to make a 4-Mbit embedded DRAM with a 256-bit interface. In contrast, it would take 16 discrete 4-Mbit chips (256 K × 16) to achieve the same width, so the granularity of such a discrete system is 64 Mbits. But the application may only call for, say, 8 Mbits of memory.

3. As interface wire lengths can be optimized for application in embedded memories, lower propagation times and thus higher speeds are possible. In addition, noise immunity is enhanced.

Challenges and disadvantages include:

1. Although the power consumption per system decreases, the power consumption per chip may increase. Therefore, junction temperature may increase and memory retention time may decrease. However, it should be noted that memories are usually low-power devices.

2. Some sort of minimal external interface is still needed in order to test the embedded memory.

The hybrid chip is neither a memory nor a logic chip. Should it be tested on a memory or logic tester, or on both?

System Integration

Advantages include:

1. Higher system integration saves board space, packages, and pins, and yields better form factors.

2. Pad-limited design may be transformed into non-pad-limited by choosing an embedded solution.

3. Better speed scalability, along with CMOS technology scaling. Challenges and disadvantages include:

1. More expensive packages may be needed. Also, memories and logic circuits require different power supplies. Currently, the DRAM power supply (2.5 V) is less than the logic power supply (3.3 V); but this situation will reverse in the future due to the back-biasing problem in DRAMs.

2. The embedded memory process adds another technology for which libraries must be developed and characterized, macros must be ported, and design flows must be tuned.

3. Memory transistors are optimized for low leakage currents, yielding low transistor performance, whereas logic transistors are optimized for high saturation currents, yielding high leakage currents. If a compromise is not acceptable, expensive extra manufacturing steps must be added.

4. Memory processes have fewer layers of metal than do logic circuit processes. Layers can be added at the expense of fabrication cost.

5. Memory fabs are optimized for large-volume production of identical products, for high-capacity utilization and for high yield. Logic fabs, while sharing these goals, are slanted toward lower batch sizes and faster turnaround time.

Memory Size

The advantage is that:

1. Memory size can be customized and memory architecture can be optimized for dedicated applications.

Challenges and disadvantages include:

1. On the other hand, the system designer must know the exact memory requirement at the time of design. Later extensions are not possible, as there is no external memory interface. From the customer’s point of view, the memory component goes from a commodity to a highly specialized part that may command premium pricing. As memory fabrication processes are quite different, second-sourcing problems abound.


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