Adders:Carry Skip Adder.

Carry Skip Adder

In a ripple carry adder, a carry propagates through the i-th FA when xi yi, i.e., xi yi = 1. Henceforth, we denote xi yi as pi. A carry propagates through a block of consecutive FAs, when all pi’s in the block are 1. This condition (i.e., all pi’s are 1) is called the carry propagation condition of the block.

A carry skip adder is a ripple carry adder that is partitioned into several blocks of FAs, attaching a carry skip circuit to each block, as shown in Figure 41.8 [9]. A carry skip circuit detects the carry propagation condition of the block and lets the carry from the next lower block bypass the block when the condition holds. In Figure 41.8, carry skip circuits are not attached to the blocks at the most and least significant few positions because the attachment does not speed up the carry propagation much.

In the carry skip circuit included in Figure 41.8, the carry output, Ch+1, from block h that consists of k FAs starting from j-th position is calculated as:


is the formula for the carry propagation condition of the block, Ch is the carry from the next lower block, and pi’s are calculated in FAs. An example of carry skip circuit is shown in Figure 41.9.

A carry may ripple through FAs in the block where it is generated, bypass the blocks where the carry propagation condition holds, and then, ripple through FAs in the block where the carry propagation condition does not hold. When all blocks are of the same size, k FAs, the worst case occurs when a carry is generated at the least significant position and propagate to the most significant position. The worst


delay is the sum of the delay for rippling through k – 1 FAs, the delay for bypassing n/k – 2 blocks, and the delay for rippling through k – 1 FAs. In the case that k is a constant independent of n, as well as in the case that k is proportional to n, the delay is proportional to n. We can reduce the worst delay to being proportional to n , by letting k be proportional to n. The amount of hardware for the entire adder is proportional to n in any case.

Applying the principle used to develop the carry skip adder borrowed from the ripple carry adder, we have a two-level carry skip adder from the basic carry skip adder, for further improvements. Recursive application of the principle yields a multi-level carry skip adder [12].


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