Logic Properties of Transistor Circuits:Analysis of Relay-Contact Networks.

Analysis of Relay-Contact Networks

Let us analyze a relay contact network. “Analysis of a network” means the description of the logic performance of the network in terms of a logic expression [1].

Logic Properties of-0405

where the last term, x2x2x3x5, may be eliminated, since it is identically equal to 0 for any value of x2.

Procedure 33.1 yields the transmission of the given network because all the tie sets correspond to all the possibilities for making f equal 1. For example, the first term, x1x6x2x5, in Eq. 33.1 becomes 1 for the combination of variables x1 = x6 = x5 = 1 and x2 = 0. Correspondingly, the two terminals a and b of the network in Figure 33.5 are connected for this combination.

Logic Properties of-0406

This expression looks different from Eq. 33.1, but they are equivalent, since we can get identical truth tables for both expressions.

Procedure 33.2 yields the transmission of a relay contact network because all the cut sets correspond to all possible ways to disconnect two terminals, a and b, of a network; that is, all possibilities of making f equal 0. Any way to disconnect a and b which is not a cut set constitutes some cut set plus additional unnecessary open contacts, as can easily be seen.

clip_image015[1]The disjunction inside each pair of parentheses in Eq. 33.2 corresponds to a different cut set. A disjunction that contains the two different literals of any variable (e.g., (x2 ∨ x3 ∨ x2) in Eq. 33.2 contains two literals, x2 and x2, of the variable x2) is identically equal to 1 and is insignificant in multiplying out f. Therefore, every cut set that contains the two literals of some variable need not be considered in Procedure 33.2.


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