Logic Synthesis with NAND (or NOR) Gates in Multi-Levels:Other Design Methods of Multi-Level Networks with a Minimum Number of Gates.

Other Design Methods of Multi-Level Networks with a Minimum Number of Gates

If we are not content with heuristic design methods, such as the map-factoring method, that do not guarantee the minimality of networks and we want to design a network with a minimum number of NAND (or NOR) gates (or a mixture) under arbitrary restrictions, we cannot do so within the framework of switching algebra, unlike the case of minimal two-level AND/OR gate networks (which can be designed based on minimal sums or minimal products), and the integer programming logic design method is currently the only method available [4,6]. This method is not appropriate for hand processing, but can design minimal networks for up to about 10 gates within reasonable processing time by computer. The method can design multiple-output networks also, regardless of whether functions are completely or incompletely specified. Also, networks with a mixture of different gate types (such as NAND, NOR, AND, or OR gates), with gates having double outputs, or with wired-OR can be designed, although the processing time and the complexity of programs increase correspondingly. Also, the number of connections can be minimized as the primary, instead of as the secondary, objective.

Although the primary purpose of the integer programming logic design method is the design of minimal networks with a small number of variables, minimal networks for some important functions of an arbitrary number of variables (i.e., no matter how large n is for a function of n variables), such as adders [1,7] and parity functions [2], have been derived by analyzing the intrinsic properties of minimal networks for these networks.


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