Full-Custom and Semi-Custom Design:Full-Custom Design Sequence of a Digital System.


As integrated circuits become more inexpensive and compact, many new types of products, such as digital cameras, digital camcorders, and digital television [2], are being introduced, based on digital systems. Consequently, logic design must be done under many different motivations. Since each case is different, we have different design problems. For example, we have to choose an appropriate IC (integrated circuit) logic family, since these cases have different performance requirements (scientific computers require high speed, but wristwatches require very low power consumption), although in recent years, CMOS has been more widely used than other IC logic families, such as ECL, which has been used for fast computers.

Logic functions that are frequently used by many designers, such as a full adder, are commercially available as off-the-shelf IC packages. (A package means an IC chip or a discrete component encased in a container.) Logic networks that realize such logic networks are often called standard (logic) networks. A single component, such as a resistor and a capacitor, is also commercially available as an off-the-shelf discrete component package. Logic networks can be assembled with these off-the-shelf packages. In many cases, not only performance requirements but also compactness and low cost are very important for products such as digital cameras. So, digital systems must accordingly be realized in IC packages that are designed, being tailored to specific objectives, rather than assembling many of these off-the-shelf packages on pc-boards, although assembling with these off-the-shelf packages has the advantage of ease of partial design changes.

Here, however, let us consider two important cases of designing an IC chip inside such an IC package, which is not off-the-shelf, that leads to two sharply contrasting logic design approaches: quick design and high-performance design. Quick design of IC chips is called semi-custom design (recently called ASIC design, abbreviating Application Specific Integrated Circuit design), whereas deliberate design for high performance is called full-custom design because full-custom design is fully customized to high performance. Full-custom design is discussed in this chapter, and different approaches of semi-custom design will be discussed in the succeeding chapters.

Semi-Custom Design

When manufacturers introduce new products or computers, it is ideal to introduce them with the highest performance in the shortest time. But it is usually very difficult to attain both, so one of them must be emphasized, based on the firm’s marketing strategy against competitors. Often, quick introduction of new computers or new merchandise with digital systems is very important for a manufacturer in terms of profits. (In some cases, introduction of a new product one year earlier than a competitor’s generates more than twice the total income that the competitor gets [1].) This is because the firm that introduces the product can capture all initial potential customers at highest prices, and latecomers are left with only the remaining fewer customers, selling at lower prices. This difference in timing often means a big difference in profits. In other words, the profits due to faster introduction of new products on a market often far exceed the profits due to careful design. The use of off-the-shelf IC packages, including off-the- shelf microprocessors, is used to be a common practice for shortening design time. But recent progress enables us to design digital systems in an IC chip more compactly with higher performance than before by curtailing time-consuming layout of transistor circuits on chips and by extensively using CAD pro- grams. Thus, in the case of small volume production, the design cost, part of the product cost, is reduced. This makes semi-custom design appropriate for debugging or prototyping of new design. But extensive use of CAD programs tends to sacrifice the performance or compactness of the semi-custom-designed IC chips. Semi-custom design, or ASIC design, has several different approaches, as will be discussed in later chapters [3,4]. Design of logic networks with the highest performance requires deliberate design of logic networks, design of transistor circuits, layout of these transistor circuits most compactly, and manufacturing of them. Such logic networks are called random-logic gate networks and are realized by full-custom design. In contrast to full-custom design, semi-custom design simplifies design and layout of transistor circuits to save expenses and design time. Depending on how design and layout of transistor circuits are simplified (e.g., repetition of small transistor subcircuit, or not so compact layout) and even how logic design is simplified, we have variants of semi-custom design.

Full-Custom Design

Full-custom design is logic design to attain the highest performance or smallest size, utilizing the most advanced technology. Designers usually try to improve the economic aspect, that is, performance per cost, at the same time. Full-custom design with the most advanced technology usually takes many years to achieve final products, because new technology must often be explored at the same time. Hence, this is the other extreme to the above quick design in terms of design time. Every design stage is carefully done for the maximum performance, and transistor circuits are deliberately laid out on chips most compactly, spending months by many draftpeople and engineers. CAD programs are used but not extensively as in the case of semi-custom design. When CAD programs for high performance are not available, for example, for the most compact layout of transistor circuits to which is required for high performance — manual design is used, possibly mixed with the use of some CAD programs. Also, once mistakes sneak into some stages in the long sequence of design, designers have to repeat at least part of the long sequence of design stages to correct them. So, every stage is deliberately tested with substantial effort.

Motivation for Semi-Custom Design

It should be noticed that the cost of a digital system highly depends on the production volume of a chip. The cost of an IC package can be approximately calculated by the following formula:

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The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. 44.1, [Manufacturing cost per IC package], is fairly proportional to the size of each chip when the complexity of manufacturing is determined, being usually on the order of dollars, or tens of dollars in the case of commercial chips. In the case of full-custom design, chips are deliberately designed by many designers spending many months. So, [Design expenses], the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. 44.1 is very high and can easily be on the order of tens of millions of dollars. Thus, the first term is far greater than the second term, making [Total cost of an IC package] very expensive, unless [Production volume] is very large, being on the order of more than tens of millions. Many digital systems that use IC chips are produced in low volume and [Design expenses] must be very low. Semi-custom design is for this purpose and CAD programs need to be used extensively for shortening design time and manpower in order to reduce [Design expenses]. In this case, [Manufacturing cost per IC chip] is higher than that in the case of full-custom design because the size of each chip is larger.

Thus, we can see the following from the formula in Eq. 44.1: chips by semi-custom design are cheaper in small production volume than those by full-custom design, but more expensive in high production volume. But chips by full-custom design are cheaper in the case of high volume production, and are expensive for low volume production.

Full-Custom Design Sequence of a Digital System

Full-custom design flow of a digital system follows a long sequence of different design stages, as follows.

First, the architecture of a digital system is designed by a few people. The performance or cost of the entire system is predominantly determined by architectural design, which must be done based on good knowledge of all other aspects of the system, including logic design and also software to be run. If an inappropriate architecture is chosen, the best performance or lowest cost of the system cannot be achieved, even if logic networks, or other aspects like software, are designed to yield the best results. For example, if microprogramming is chosen for the control logic of a microcomputer based on ROM, it occupies too much of the precious chip area, sacrificing performance and cost, although we have the advantages of short design time and design flexibility. Thus, if performance or manufacturing cost is important, realization of control logic by logic networks (i.e., hard-wired control logic) is preferred. Actually, every design stage is important for the performance of the entire system. Logic design is also one of key factors for computer performance, such as architecture design, transistor circuit design, layout design, compilers, and application programs. Even if other factors are the same, computer speed can be significantly improved by deliberate logic design.

Next, appropriate IC logic families and the corresponding transistor circuit technology are chosen for each segment of the system. Other aspects such as memories are simultaneously determined in greater detail. We do not use expensive, high-speed IC logic families where speed is not required.

Architecture and transistor circuits are outside the scope of this handbook, so they are not discussed here further.

The next stage in the design sequence is the design of logic networks, considering cost reduction and the highest performance, realizing functions for different segments of the digital system. Logic design requires many engineers for a fairly long time.

Then, logic networks are converted into transistor circuits. This conversion is called technology mapping. It is difficult to realize the functions of the digital system with transistor circuits directly, skipping logic design, although experienced engineers can design logic networks and technology mapping at the same time, at least partly. Logic design with AND, OR, and NOT gates, using conventional switching theory, is convenient for human minds because AND, OR, and NOT gates in logic networks directly correspond, respectively, to basic logic operations, AND, OR, and NOT in logic expressions. Thus, logic design with AND, OR, and NOT gates is usually favored for manual design by designers and then followed by technology mapping. For example, the logic network with AND and OR gates shown in Figure 44.1(a) is technology-mapped into the MOS circuit shown in Figure 44.1(c). A variety of IC logic families, such

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as static MOS circuits and dynamic MOS circuits, are now used to realize logic gates. Thus, the relation- ships between logic networks with AND, OR, and NOT gates and those in transistor circuits are complex because logic gates realized in transistor circuits do not have one-to-one correspondence with AND, OR, and NOT gates, as illustrated in Figure 44.1. The function f = x y Ú x y Ú z in Figure 44.1 can be realized with two AND gates realizing xy and xy, and then with an OR gate which has inputs from the AND gates and z , as shown in Figure 44.1(a). But if the function is realized with AND, OR, and NOT gates, as shown in Figure 44.1(b), then conversion of it into the MOS circuit shown in Figure 44.1(c) is easier because correspondence between subnetworks in (b) and transistor logic gates in (c) is clear, where dot- lined rectangles, A and B, in (b) correspond A¢ and B¢ in (c), respectively.

Then, after technology mapping, these transistor circuits are laid out on a chip. Layout is also a painstaking endeavor for many draftpersons. The above design stages are highly interactive and iterative because, if bad design is made in a certain stage, good design in other stages cannot compensate for it, thus yielding poor performance or cost increase of the entire chip. In particular, logic network design and layout design are highly interactive.

In this case, it is important to notice the difference of delay time of signal propagation in logic networks from that in transistor circuits laid out on a chip. In previous chapters, we have assumed for the sake of simplicity that signal propagation has delay time only on gates (for the sake of simplicity, equal delay time is assumed on every gate) but not on connections. But in the case of transistor circuits, signal propagation on each connection has significant delay time, which can be greater than delay time of gates. The longer the connection, the greater the delay time on that connection. The larger the number of connections (i.e., fan-out connections) from the output of a gate, the greater the delay time of each connection. Also, each logic gate realized in transistor circuit may have a different delay time. The greater the fan-in of a gate, the greater the delay time. Restrictions on maximum fan-out and maximum fan-in are very important for the performance of logic networks. Thus, if we want to have fast transistor circuits, we need to consider these relationships in designing logic networks with AND and OR gates. Consideration of only the number of levels is not sufficient.

Then, IC chips are manufactured and are assembled with pc-boards into a digital system.

In the case of the high-performance design discussed above, every effort is made to realize digital systems with the best performance (usually speed), while simultaneously considering the reduction of cost.

When we want to develop digital systems of high performance, using the most advanced technology, much greater manpower and design time are required than that needed for semi-custom design approaches. The actual design time requirement depends on how ambitious the designers are. High-performance microprocessor chips are usually designed by full-custom design, typically taking 3 to 5 years with a large number of people, perhaps several dozen engineers. If the digital system is not drastically different from previous models, design time can be shorter with fewer people; but if the system is based on many new ideas, it may be longer.

As we become able to pack an increasingly large number of networks in a single IC chip every year, the full-custom design of VLSI chips (including microcomputers) of high performance with the most advanced technology is beginning to require far greater design effort and longer time. Thus, more extensive use of improved CAD programs is inevitable. This is because a new generation of microprocessor chips has been introduced every 4 years, having a few times as many transistors on a chip. Compared with systems of 10 years ago, contemporary systems consist of two or three order more transistors, although the physical size of these systems are far smaller. For example, IBM’s first personal computer, introduced in 1981, was installed with only 16 kilobytes RAM (expandable to 64 kilobytes) and Intel’s microprocessor 8080, which consists of 4800 transistors. But Intel’s microprocessor, Pentium III with 500 MHz, introduced in 1999 consists of about 9,500,000 transistors (an approximate number of logic gates can be obtained by dividing the number of transistors by a number between 3 and 5).

In addition to the use of transistor circuits as logic gates, memories are becoming widely used to implement logic networks, being mixed with gates. Also, software is often implemented with ROMs (read-only memories) as firmware, since ROMs are cheaper and smaller than RAMs (random-access memories). Because of these developments, we have complex problems in designing logic networks with a mixture of gates, software, and memories. Essentially, boundaries among logic design, transistor circuits, software, and architecture have disappeared. The number of transistors, or logic gates, used in digital systems is increasing all the time. In designing such gigantic digital systems, it is becoming extremely important to design without errors, necessitating extensive testing in every design stage. To cope with these complex problems, CAD programs with new logic design methods have been developed in recent years. For example, recent CAD programs for logic design can synthesize far larger logic networks than manual design can, and appropriate logic expressions can be derived for functions with a large number of variables by using BDDs.


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