Dynamic Random Access Memory:Multi-Level DRAM.

Multi-Level DRAM

In modern application-specific IC (ASIC) memory designs, there are some important items—memory capacity, fabrication yield, and access speed—that need to be considered. The memory capacity required for ASIC application has been increasing very rapidly, and the bit-cost reduction is one of the most important issues for file application DRAMs. In order to achieve high yield, it is important to reduce the defect-sensitive area on a chip.

The multi-level storage DRAM technique is one of the circuit technologies that can reduce the effective cell size. It can store multiple voltage levels in a single DRAM cell. For example, in a four-level system, each DRAM cell corresponds to 2-bit data of “11”, “10”, “01”, and “00”. Thus, the multi-level storage technique can improve the chip density and reduce the defect-sensitive area on a DRAM chip, and it is one of the solutions to the “density and yield” problem.

Dynamic Random Access Memory-0660


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