Cell-Library Design Approach:Polycell Design Approach.


Compact layouts for basic logic gates (such as NOR gates) and small networks that are frequently used (such as flip-flops and a full adder) are designed by professional designers with time-consuming efforts and are stored in computer memories (i.e., magnetic disks). Each layout is called a cell and a collection of these layouts is called a cell library. Once a cell library is ready, any other designer can call up specific cells on the monitor of a computer. By arranging them and adding connections among them by the use of a mouse, the designer can make a layout of the entire logic network. When the layout is complete, photomasks are automatically prepared by computer. Such a design approach is called the cell-library design approach [1–3].

Polycell Design Approach

When the layout of every cell has the same height, although its width may be different, this approach is called the polycell design approach (or standard-cell design approach). It is often called the cell-library design approach, but it is also called the polycell or standard-cell design approach in order to avoid confusion with the words “cell” and “library” from those which are used in the gate arrays. The height of all cells are chosen the same, even though area is wasted inside a cell, such that many cells are connected into rows, as exemplified in Figure 48.1, which shows an example with three rows of cells.

Routing (i.e., connections among cells) is mainly done in space between adjacent rows of cells, as shown in Figure 48.1. This space for routing is called a routing channel. Routing, in addition to design of logic networks, is the major task in the polycell design approach and is greatly facilitated by CAD programs.

Connections from one routing channel to others can be done through narrow passages, which are provided between cells in each row. In some cases, connections are allowed to go through cells horizontally or vertically (without going through the narrow passages provided) in order to reduce wiring areas. In this case, detailed routing rules on where in each cell connections are allowed to go through must be incorporated in the CAD programs.

The preparation of a cell library takes time (probably more than a dozen man-months for a small library), but layout time of chips, using a cell library, is greatly reduced by the polycell design approach

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(probably by an order of magnitude), compared with full-custom design which requires the most compact layout of gates and connections. This is a great advantage. When new fabrication technology is to be adopted, only cells have to be newly laid out; whereas in the case of full-custom design, the entire chip has to be laid out compactly with new technology. Thus, the cell library approach can adapt to a new technology in a shorter time than the full-custom design, but chip size and performance are sacrificed. Compared with the full-custom layout of random-logic gate networks, chip size is many times larger, although it is much smaller than the size realized with a gate array. In order to facilitate routing among cells laid out, all cells are prepared with equal height, keeping their inputs and outputs at the sides that face routing channels. Then, cells for simple functions become very thin and those for complex functions become squat. Thus, the area in each cell is not efficiently utilized. Also, interconnections among cells take up a significant share of the chip area.

Unlike gate arrays where only masks for connections and contact windows are to be custom-made, here all masks must be custom-made, so the polycell design approach needs expensive initial investment, despite its advantage of smaller chip size than gate arrays. However, since the layout is highly automated with interactive CAD programs for placement and routing, the layout of the entire chip is not as time- consuming as those by full-custom design, and consequently the polycell design approach is favored in many cases. In this sense, the polycell design approach is not as purely semi-custom design as the gate array design approach. But the approach is not purely full-custom design either, since the chips are not as compact as those by the full-custom design. Thus, it might be called a pseudo-full-custom design approach, although some people call it a full-custom design approach.

The polycell design approach is cost-effective when the production volume is in hundreds of thousands of dollars, since the initial investment costs $20,000 or more, which is much lower than tens of millions dollars for the full-custom design. The polycell design approaches have been extensively used when the chip compactness attained by the full-custom design approach is not required.

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