CMOS (Complementary MOS)

CMOS (Complementary MOS)

A CMOS logic gate consists of a pair of subcircuits, one consisting of nMOSFETs and the other pMOSFETs, where all MOSFETs are of enhancement mode described in Chapter 33, Section 33.3. CMOS, which stands for complementary MOS [6,8–10], means that the nMOS and pMOS subcircuits are complementary. As a simple example, let us explain CMOS with the inverter shown in Figure 39.1. A p-channel MOSFET is connected between the power supply of positive voltage Vdd and the output terminal, and an n-channel MOSFET is connected between the output terminal and the negative side, Vss, of the above power supply, which is usually grounded. When input x is a high voltage, pMOS becomes non-conductive and nMOS becomes conductive. When x is a low voltage, pMOS becomes conductive and nMOS becomes non-conductive. This is the property of pMOS and nMOS when the voltages of the input and the power supply are properly chosen, as explained with Figure 33.19. In other words, when either pMOS or nMOS is conductive, the other is non-conductive. When x is a low voltage (logic value 0), pMOS is conductive, with non-conductive nMOS, and the output voltage is a high voltage (logic value 1), which is close to Vdd. When x is a high voltage, nMOS is conductive, with non-conductive pMOS, and the output voltage is a low voltage. Thus, the CMOS logic gate in Figure 39.1 works as an inverter. The pMOS subcircuit in this figure essentially works as a variable load.

When x stays at either 0 or 1, one of pMOS and nMOS subcircuits in Figure 39.1 is always non- conductive, and consequently no current flows from Vdd to Vss through these MOSFETs. In other words, when no input changes, the power consumption is simply the product of the power supply voltage V (if Vss is grounded, V is equal to Vdd) and a very small current of a non-conductive MOSFET. (Ideally, there should be no current flowing through a non-conductive MOSFET, but actually a very small current which is less than 10 nA flows. Such an undesired, very small current is called a leakage current.) This is called the quiescent power consumption. Since the leakage current is typically a few nanoamperes,


the quiescent power consumption of CMOS is less than tens of nW, which is very small compared with those for other logic families.

Whenever the input x of this CMOS logic gate changes to a low voltage (i.e., logic value 0), the parasitic capacitance C at the output terminal (including parasitic capacitances at the inputs of the succeeding CMOS logic gates, to which the output of this logic gate is connected) must be charged up to a high voltage through the conductive pMOS. (A current can be as large as 0.3 milliamperes or more.) Then, when the input x changes to a high voltage (i.e., logic value 1) at the next input change, the electric charge stored in the parasitic capacitance must be discharged through the conductive nMOS. Therefore, much larger power consumption than the quiescent power consumption occurs whenever the input changes. This dynamic power consumption due to the current during this transition period is given by CFV 2, where C is the parasitic capacitance, V is the power supply voltage, and F is the switching frequency of the input. Thus the power consumption of CMOS is a function of frequency. CMOS consumes very little power at low frequency, but it consumes more than ECL as the frequency increases. As the integration size increases, CMOS is being almost exclusively used in VLSI because of low power consumption. But even CMOS has difficulty in dissipation of the heat generated in the chip when switching frequency increases. In order to alleviate this difficulty, valiants, such as dynamic CMOS, have been used which will be described later.

Output Logic Function of a CMOS Logic Gate

Let us consider a CMOS logic gate in which many MOSFETs of the enhancement mode are connected in each of the pMOS and nMOS subcircuits (e.g., the CMOS logic gate in Figure 39.2). By regarding the pMOS subcircuit as a variable load, the output function f can be calculated in the same manner as the one of an nMOS logic gate:

1. Calculate the transmission between the output terminal and Vss (or the ground), considering nMOSFETs as make-contacts of relays (transmission and relays are described in Chapter 33).

2. Then, its complement is the output function of this CMOS logic gate.

Thus, the CMOS logic gate in Figure 39.2, for example, has the output function f = x y .

We can prove that if the pMOS subcircuit of any CMOS logic gate has the transmission between Vdd and the output terminal, calculated by regarding each pMOS as a make-contact relay, and this transmis- sion is the dual of the transmission of the nMOS subcircuit, then one of the pMOS and nMOS subcircuits is always non-conductive, with the other conductive, for any combination of input values. (Note that regarding each pMOS as a make-contact relay, as we do each nMOS as a make-contact relay, means finding a relationship of connection configuration between nMOS subcircuit and pMOS subcircuit.) In the CMOS logic gate of Figure 39.2, the pMOS subcircuit has transmission gd = xy, which is dual to the transmission g = x y of the nMOS subcircuit, where the superscript d on g means “dual.” Thus, any CMOS logic gate has the unique features of unusually low quiescent power consumption and dynamic power consumption CV 2F.

The input resistance of a CMOS logic gate is extremely high and at least 1014 Ω. This permits large fan-outs from a CMOS logic gate. Thus, if inputs do not change, CMOS has almost no maximum fan- out restriction. The practical maximum fan-out is 30 or more, which is very large compared with other logic families. If the number of fan-out connections from a CMOS logic gate is too many, the waveform of a signal becomes distorted. Also, fan-out increases the parasitic capacitance and consequently reduces the speed, so fan-out is limited to a few when high speed is required.

In addition to extremely low power consumption, CMOS has the unique feature that CMOS logic networks work reliably even if power supply voltage fluctuates, temperature changes over a wide range, or there is plenty of noise interference. This makes use of CMOS appropriate in rugged environments, such as for automobile, in factories, and weapons.

Problem of Transfer Curve Shift

Unfortunately, when a CMOS logic gate has many inputs, its transfer curve (which shows the relationship between input voltage and output voltage of a CMOS logic gate) shifts, depending on how many of the inputs change values. For example, in the two-input NAND gate shown in Figure 39.3(a), the transfer curve for the simultaneous change of the two inputs (1 and 2) is different from that for the change of only input 1, with input 2 kept at a high voltage. This is different from an nMOS logic gate (or a pMOS logic gate) discussed in the previous sections, where every driver MOSFET in its conductive state must have a much lower resistance than the load MOSFET in order to have a sufficiently large voltage swing. But if only input 1 in Figure 39.3(a), for example, changes, the resistance of the pMOS subcircuit is twice as large as that for the simultaneous change of the two inputs 1 and 2; so parasitic capacitance, C, is charged in a shorter time in the latter case. Other examples are shown in (b) and (c) in Figure 39.3. Because of this problem of transfer curve shift, the number of inputs to a CMOS logic gate is practically limited to four if we want to maintain good noise immunity. If we need not worry about noise immunity, the number of inputs to a CMOS logic gate can be greater.


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